Marine Consultants
t: +44 (0)141 639 6419 M: +44 (0)7791 515845

Alexander Maritime - Services - Piloting Services
Alexander Maritime have access to 20 Senior 1st Class Pilots with Master's F.G. certificates.
Alexander Maritime is available to provide Pilotage for a range of vessels up to 365m LOA.
Alexander Maritime also supply pilots for the Glensanda Super-Quarry in Loch Linnhe, piloting 100,000 tonne dwt bulk carriers without the need for tugs.
Alexander Maritime Ltd., 42 Ladeside Close, Newton Mearns, Glasgow G77 6TZ
t: +44 (0)141 639 6419 m: +44 (0)7791 515845
Alexander Maritime Ltd. Registered in Scotland : SC276276
Alexander Maritime Ltd. Registered in Scotland : SC276276